Nesi Jordan
Primary Genres: I'm a writer about everything. God has blessed me to write poetry, encouragement stories for women, Children's books and mystery series. My favorite are the ecouragement [sic] stories for women, Because I'm at a stage in my life, that we as people need a positive flow of hope as we go through daily changes.
What might you like people to know about you as a writer? What you like people to know about you as a person?
The HolySpirit gives me the strength to share all parts of my life and to give God the glory of his purpose for my gift, I want to be at peace when I finish creating.
YpsiWrites' theme this year is "Write for Change." Given this theme, what type of change do you think your writing inspires and what are your reasons for doing this writing?
Writing for change should inspire those who want a different narrative for themselves. I've written for years about different things that pertained to what I've experienced or heard pieces of people's situations that need a voice through books.
To read more of Nesi’s writing, go to her author’s page on Amazon.