Community-Engaged Scholarship
Articles and Book Chapters
Blakeslee, A. M. and Simmons, W. M. (forthcoming). Storied practices in community-engaged work: Expanding conceptions of positionality. In K. Acosta, M. Cowan, R. Rickly, S. Sinor, N. Small, and E. Stone, (Eds). Storied Practices: Positionality in Writing Studies. Colorado Springs, CO: The WAC Clearinghouse.
Amidon, T. R., Blakeslee, A., Brock Carlson, E., Ledbetter, L., Moore, K. R., Rose, E., & Simmons, M. (2023). Introduction to the second issue: A conversation about community-engaged research. Communication Design Quarterly, 11(3): 5-11. CDQ DOI: 10.1145/3592367.3592368
Blakeslee, A. M., Boeving, D., Gatchel, K. M., & Miller, B. (2023). Story of a community-based writing resource – and a call to engage. Communication Design Quarterly, 11(3): 42-53. CDQ DOI: 10.1145/3592367.3592372
Calabro, C. C, Fleischer, C., Blakeslee, A., & Garboden, M. (2021). Extending literacy work beyond our buildings: The collaborative work of creating a community writing center. Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education, 10, 1-6.
Austin, J, Blakeslee, A., Fleischer, C., & Modey, C. (2020). Building a community literacy network to address literacy inequities: An Emergent Strategy approach. Community Literacy Journal, 15, 97-111.
Conference Presentations
Blakeslee, A., (2024, June). Expanding conceptions of positionality for building community and coalitions in technical communication teaching and scholarship. Paper presented at the Virtual Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference.
Blakeslee, A., with K. Gatchel & B. Miller (2023, October). Using love letters to bring together, affirm, and reimagine a community’s identity. Virtual session presented at the Conference on Community Writing.
Blakeslee, A., with W. M. Simmons & R. R. Amidon (Roundtable Facilitators), & L. Gonzales, E. B. Carlson, & L. Ledbetter. (2022). Methodologies for community-based and community-engaged scholarship. Workshop presentation given at the 2022 Virtual Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference.
Blakeslee, A., with H. M. Raica-Klotz, C. Giroux, A. Zeemont, G. Hutchinson, J., and J. Austin. (2021). Community writing centers: What is, what was, and what potentially can be. Presented as a pre-recorded session at the Virtual Conference on Community Writing.
Blakeslee, A., with D. Johnson, B. Sabo, K. Gatchel, S. Hodge, & J. Austin. (2021). Using Emergent Strategy to reimagine equity work in writing centers. Poster presented at the International Writing Center Association (IWCA) Virtual Conference.
Blakeslee, A., with J. Austin and C. Modey (2021). Emergent Strategy: Organizing for social justice in writing centers. Presented at the 2021 virtual IWCA Collaborative at CCCC’s.
Blakeslee, A., with B. Sabo. (2019). Taking an inclusive approach to developing diversity and inclusion statements. Workshop presented at the Michigan Writing Centers Association Conference, Mt. Pleasant, MI.
Blakeslee, A., with J. Austin & C. Modey. (2019). Secondary schools: The “write” partners. Poster presented at the International Writing Center Association (IWCA) and National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing (NCPTW) Joint Conference, Columbus, OH.
Blakeslee, A., with C. Modey, J. Austin, C. Finhold, E. R. Carpenter, & J. Grutsch. (2019). What we can learn from secondary school writing centers. Presented at the East Central Writing Centers Association 41st Annual Conference. Dayton, OH.
Blakeslee, A., with J. Austin, C. Modey, & C. Finhold. (2019). Bridging centers to achieve a broader mission: Promoting educational equity through innovative writing center collaborations and networking. Presented at the 2019 IWCA Collaborative at CCCC’s. Pittsburgh, PA.
Blakeslee, A., with J. Austin. (2018). A tale of active centership in two writing centers. Presented at 2018 International Writing Center Association (IWCA) Conference. Atlanta, GA.