Emma Rodseth


Primary Genres: poetry, fiction, essays, and creative nonfiction

What do you believe is important about writing?

I believe that writing as well as the practice of sharing it helps to contribute to a world of greater empathy, better human understanding, joyful storytelling, inspired curiosity, and awareness of that which we may never otherwise comprehend.

What do you like about writing or why do you yourself like to write?

In addition to finding the practice of writing very regulating for my mind and spirit, I feel it meets my need to communicate. Sometimes what cannot be conveyed in one moment of our lives finds its way out in writing. What I find even better is the surprise of discovering something about myself or encountering a new perspective in the writing process which gives me back a sense of meaning, awe, or vitality.

You can read more about Emma and her writing by following her on Tumblr.