Depot Town


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#1 Farmers Market & 100 Market Place

This site was a train stop from 1838 to 1982. Imagine travelers waiting or arriving. Where were they going or coming from? Describe their emotions when moving to or from a place they may have always lived. Where would you like to go on a train? Describe stops along the way, real or imagined.

#2 Cross Street

Most of these colorful buildings were built in the late 19th century with architectural details that give them real personality.  Write about a business that might have been here and who worked there or lived above the business. 

#3 Hudson Car Dealership and Museum

The Hudson car was built from 1909 to 1954. Peek through the window to see this car and other cars. Imagine or draw the car of your dreams. What color is it? What do you see and hear when you take it on a short trip? Where do you go?

#4 Food Co-op

Notice the mural on Honey Bee Alley on the side of the Co-op. There used to be bee hives here. Then, write a poem about bees.  Why are they important? What can you do to save the bees?

#5 Thompson Building

Brick by brick, Mark Norris (the original owner and founder of Ypsilanti) moved this building to where you stand now. This building has had many lives including: a hotel and retail space, barracks for Michigan Military Infantry during the Civil War, and part of the underground railroad. It was later owned by Mr Oliver Thompson and his sons, in which it became a place to manufacture wagons and farm equipment to being part of a Doge dealership and fire station. It sat for decades unused and endured a fire. In this century, it has found a new life, with restaurants and upscale loft apartments. Buildings are created to last and many people pass through them. What details do you notice that tell you the building is older? How many lives has this building had? How many lives have passed through this building? Write a description of how this building could be used? If you look inside, what elements are used to tell a story about this building?

#6 The Tridge, “Smeet Frog” Plaque

What might live under a tridge? (three bridges meeting at one point)

Create your own “Smeet” animal that could live there. Does it have wings? Can it swim? What is it called? An eaglesaurus? A giraffepotamus? What does it eat?  Describe it How does it move? Is it scary or shy?

#7 Mid-Block Alley Walk

This walkway connects the ornamental clock and business district to the Farmers Market.  What do historical markers tell you about the area? Write about an imaginary town you would help establish. Name it. Describe streets, buildings, lay out. How many people? What do they make, sell? Be fanciful. Does everyone live inside hot air balloons? Is there a store that only sells bubbles?