Crystal S. Campbell


Primary Genres: Resolutions, policy documents, press releases, reports, slide decks, prose, poetry, novels and creative non-fiction

What do you believe is important about writing?

In the beginning was the word... and I don't mean that in a Biblical sense. I mean it in the sense that... the word is how it all started and all that remains and will remain as long as we exist in this form. All that we are, really, are the stories we tell to ourselves and each other. Writing is the vehicle by which we continue our existence. Writing is how we make meaning of and document our experiences. It's how we understand the world around us. So maybe, the STORYTELLING is the meaning-making, and writing is the means.

What do you like about writing or why do you yourself like to write?

I like to write because writing (and speaking) make me feel most like myself.

You can read more about Cryss and her writing by following @MamaCryssCampbell on Facebook and @Cryss_Cam on Instagram and /CrystalSCampbell on LinkedIn.