Writing with Purpose

By Victor O. Okafor

Writing, in contrast with merely talking, matters most to me because, in my  life journeys, it has shown itself as my most effective means of expressing  and sharing my thoughts and ideas about given issues or given happy news of the day, be they of a social, political, or economic nature. I am an  inspirational writer, and by that, I mean that I tend to be prompted to write  when there is a purpose to be served, and not just writing for the sake of  writing. Reading about or watching videos of human problems or human  triumphs of the day, tends to stimulate my intellect and trigger visions of  possible solutions/correctives or cheers, as the case may be. I find that  writing, instead of merely talking, serves me best in expressing myself. Writing is thinking, and, in that context, I tend to engage in re-writes as I  sharpen my thoughts and as I self-correct my thinking on pertinent matters. Therefore, there are times when I say things that I would have  communicated differently or in a more nuanced fashion in writing. This is  partly why I believe that if any person or leader wants to advance an idea or propose a cause of action, that person ought to put it all down in writing  because that act of writing does indicate that the person has given some  thought or deep thought to the subject-matter.

Ann Blakeslee