Why Do I Write?

By Participants in the YpsiWrites’ Anniversary Celebration

Because I want to sometimes

I write to make sense of my thoughts, to ground those thoughts that are abstract

I write to see what I’m thinking and feeling

Writing is a form of therapy

When I write for myself, I find my center..

I write to purge and maintain mental clarity, to reframe,

My words allow me to release thoughts and emotions, to heal and to share love

Writing allows me to channel my stresses into something productive and helps me capture my grateful thoughts

I write to communicate

It allows me to process

It helps me improve my understanding of topics

I write to examine my life and set my priorities

I write for school, for work, to share my artistic perspective

I write to create the sorts of stories I want to read

I write to escape

My writing is a way for me to remember

To capture my memories

And reflect on my life

I write to change minds and hearts

To challenge norms, provoke critical thought and to make statements

I write to make my position known on an issue; to take a stand

I write for the love of it (And sometimes for the money)

Why do I write?

Because it brings me joy

Ann Blakeslee