Aaron and Tia Logwood

Aaron, 10 years old, and Tia, 8 years old, are students at Ypsilanti International Elementary School. View their feature poster [PDF].

Why do you write?

 Tia: “I write because I need to have a good future, [and] if you practice a lot you’ll get better at writing.”

Aaron: “The reason why I write is to express myself, and I want to inform people and show them what I can do. The way I think about my writing is, I know I’m good at art so I combined that with storytelling (it’s in my blood). I want to touch millions of people and get them interested in art and writing.”

 What is the most memorable thing you have written?

Tia: “I wrote a cover for an animal book called Zookeeper with my friend. It was special because me and my friend made it together and then she moved. It’s about animals that are mixed up together like a wolf and panda (pandawolfin).”

Aaron: “I like telling stories in my artwork. I painted a creepy creature with different parts [that]was made of three different beings. Carl (who bullies people) and Katie (who is very loving) and a nice, loving, smart character. They never understand the value of each other. If they came together, they could be a really beautiful creature. Later, I really wanted to write about a different character’s life, but I got feedback about including too much about his sad story. So I came up with this line…‘And now the good stuff…’ and that helped me get to the other parts of his life.” 
