"My Evolution Through Fauna" by Celeste Kanpurwala

My Evolution Through Fauna

By Celeste Kanpurwala

This whole time I’ve been a caterpillar

Curled up in a little ball

Chrysalis surrounding me

In a soft safe space

While I lick my wounds 

Let them heal

So I can emerge 



A fucking butterfly


This whole time I’ve been a snail

Snuggled inside

Protected by my hard vast shell 

Letting it hide…

me from the world

Until I am ready 

To come out 

And wipe my slimy goo 

All over you 


This whole time I’ve been a bear

Hibernating in my cave 

Sleeping away the exhaustion 

From fighting my way through life 

Just struggling to hold on…

But this year will be different 

Come springtime 

I will yawn the biggest yawn 

And roar the biggest roar 


I am a bear

And you can fuck with me no more